5 billion people Unprotected from Trans-Fat

5 billion people Unprotected from Trans-Fat

5 billion people worldwide are at risk of serious heart disease due to the consumption of trans fat used in cooking oil. What WHO said. The nightly countries of the world have a special position in this list of risks. The World Health Organization has called for a complete ban on trans fats. It is a synthetic toxic chemical found in packaged food cooking oils and spreads. These trans fats are responsible for the premature death of five million people each year and 5 billion people use, ingest, or are exposed to this toxic transporter each year. Nine of the sixteen countries with a high risk of death from trans fat consumption have now taken no action on the matter. These countries include Australia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Ecuador, Pakistan, South Korea, Bhutan, and Iran. WHO is concerned about these countries. If the consumption of trans fats is eliminated worldwide, it is possible to prevent the death of approximately 1.7 million people from cardiovascular diseases by the year 2040. WHO best practice policies can prevent these deaths. Meanwhile, Mexico and Nigeria, and Sri Lanka are on the verge of passing these life-saving policies. Gentle force is needed now. If a country implements this policy, it will be imitated by other countries.

WHO hopes that India, Bangladesh, and the Philippines, as well as ACO Southeast Asian leaders, will act as examples to the world. Some big companies are manufacturing this toxic substance. They will come under control only when they see the demand for trans-fat falling and then they will reduce the production of it. If the demand decreases then they will bring the production under control. Trans fat is a type of hydrogenated oil. Dwarf oil and fat become trans fats at high temperatures. It is not commonly found in nature. The double bond of their hydrocarbon chain is the root cause of the problem. This double bond cannot break the double carbon body. As a result, it remains in the blood. Only HDL can get rid of cholesterol or Hyden City. HDL removes all other harmful fats from the blood so they cannot reach the liver or other vital organs. Helps keep the walls thin inside blood vessels. Most of the HDL in the blood is consumed by the body as trans fat. Then the level of bad cholesterol may increase. Blood pressure may also increase. Hydrogenated oil began to be produced and used to supply depressed markets during World War I and World War II. Then its use gradually increased. By the 1980s, its harmful aspects began to emerge. Consumption of hydrogenated fats such as margarine and vegetable oil begins to decrease.

The US National Academy of Sciences reported in 2002 that transport increases the amount of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in the body. LD cholesterol is considered bad cholesterol for the body. Because one plays a major role in causing heart disease. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed in 1999 to write the amount of transfer with nutritional information on chicken feed. It came into effect in 2006 and subsequently banned trans fats to reduce health risks.

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