Government and Society - Being PRESIDENT IS HARD!!

Government and Society - Being PRESIDENT IS HARD!!

The origin of the system of government is very prehistoric. Regardless of place, and time, people are socialized. Some general structures are created to control the lifestyle of socialized people. For example, social organizations, political institutions, economic activities, law, religion, etc. In primitive tribal societies, necessary measures were taken to protect the safety and property of people and to avoid attacks from outside enemies. Gradually the family was formed in primitive society. Families form clan organizations together. The major form of clan organization is the tribe. Their largest and ultimate form is the state. A state sometimes takes on a larger form, called an empire. Government systems are needed to manage and protect the infrastructure that governs people's lives in a state or society. In most cases, it has been observed that the natural outcome of a conflict between the powerful and the weak in society determines the form of government. The power of the government may be taken by the strong party by force of muscle and strategy, or the majority of the weak population may unite in support and give the power to a trusted representative to run the government. So far two types of government systems are clear: Monarchy or Autocracy and People's Republic. But there is no conclusive evidence of the first of the two. In this chapter, the first relationship between the government and the various parts of the social system is highlighted.

Government System:

Bureaucracy was first introduced in the administration of government around 3500 BC in ancient Egypt. Under the pharaoh dynasty, there were two branches of bureaucracy. One was the central administration located in Memphis, the then capital of Egypt, and the other was the local administration which was in the administrative districts or septs. Local administrative officers were responsible for conducting litigation and collecting taxes. The head of the central administration was the prime minister. Hundreds of employees worked in this bureaucracy. Like the modern bureaucracy, the recruitment of people in this bureaucracy was based on merit, experience, and merit rather than on personal preference, and lineage.

The term feudalism is primarily used to refer to the agrarian social system of medieval Europe. Subjects and landlords in medieval feudalism and the relationship between the zamindar and the king were clear. But the term also refers to the exercise of political and economic power by locally vested landlords for the central government of the state to which the people living in the zamindar area owe their primary allegiance. As such, the ancient Egyptian bureaucratic system is called a feudal system. Because bureaucrats engaged in local administration were given powers similar to those of zamindars, which further enhanced central sovereign power.

In 448 BC, 10 Bocotia cities voluntarily united to form the nation, the first United States or Federation in history. Most states in the United States had equal political status under a common constitution. The United States or federal government was formed in Thebes, the most important city in Indo-Asia. This federal government was governed by a chief (Archon) and a council of four. Executive power was vested in, elected every year by eleven representative electors.

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The first socialist state was formed in ancient Greece around 800 BC. The state was led by Lycurgus, king of Sparta. He implemented the principle of equal distribution of wealth by eliminating the disparity of property between rich and poor citizens. To prevent the growth of individual capital, iron coins were introduced instead of gold and silver. Greek feasts are a significant event in history. Lycurgus introduced this practice in his socialist state. All the members participating in the mass would collect the necessary materials for the preparation of mass food. Production and marketing of luxury goods were prohibited in the state. However, the outsiders could not enjoy the political and economic benefits of the socialist state.

The practice of democracy in governance first started in ancient Greece. Although democracy means rule by the people, there is no true democracy in today's so-called democratic countries. Because every government has this role of the people that in every election the people vote and give the mandate to a small party or section to run the government, but subsequently the people do not have such a role in running the government. Democracy was first established in Athens in 507-508 BC. The Greek diplomat Blaisthenes led the establishment of this democracy. In his state, every male citizen above the age of eighteen could vote. He formed a council of 500 members and divided the citizens into ten mixed groups Each group sent 50 members to the council. The system established in Keesthenes also had some undemocratic elements, such as only recognized citizens could vote, democratic but top government positions and the highest judicial powers were open only to wealthy elites. Forty-six years later his compatriot, Epheltes made some reforms to the constitution to make the state more democratic.

In ancient Greece, secret ballots were first introduced to take a public opinion. The secret ballot was introduced so that there would be no hesitation in expelling anyone harmful to society and voting against a powerful person. In 1856, the secret ballot was used in the Legislative Assembly elections of the Australian state of Victoria. It was the first time in history that a parliamentary election was held by secret ballot. It was the first polling booth and ballot paper used in the service. the secret

Even in the 19th century, there was a kind of male attitude of men turning their noses at the empowerment of women. At the end of the 19th century, democratic parliamentary elections were introduced in many countries, but women did not have the right to vote. With this, day by day, the movement in women's society worldwide grew. In the face of this movement, the government of New Zealand was forced to accept the demand for women's right to vote. In 1893, women voted in New Zealand's general election. This was the first time in the world that women got the right to vote. Since then, the movement for women's empowerment has intensified. In 1894, women gained the right to contest parliamentary elections in South Australia alongside men. In 1907, several women contested and won the democratic elections in Finland. Finland's parliament 'Edushkunta' is the first parliament in the world to have a few women MPs.

From the middle of the 2nd century BC, the tyranny of the Roman rulers on the subject states of the Roman Empire was gradually increasing, along with the growing class conflict. Roman policy was to provide support and security to the rich to keep local and central power intact. In the Greek city under the Roman Empire, King Atellaus of Pergamon accepted Roman authority, but his half-brother Aristonicus did not after his death. He was the communist Aristonicus and his theoretical and philosophical adviser Brosius set out to establish a communist state; Where, people's wealth status will be equal. Everyone's salary will be equal. It was in 132 BCA revolt against the Roman Empire began. Thus began the first communist revolutionary struggle in history. Volunteers, mercenaries, and rebellious slaves took part in it, which resisted Roman power in much of Asia Minor. But not for long, Aristonicus was arrested and executed in 130 BC. Although the revolutionaries who followed him continued to fight, finally in 129 BC, this struggle to establish a communist society stopped.

From about 1000 BC, Mesopotamian cities were governed by local government administrations. The local government authority consisted of a mayor and a council of citizens. Local councils were often composed of every householder in the metropolis and they had to take responsibility for all matters of local administration.

The Egyptian government first established a police force around 3000 BC. The police force was under the local administration. Each administrative district had a police commissioner appointed as an officer of the Egyptian bureaucracy. The entire police force was under him.

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